Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My reflection post

This term we got sent a reflection sheet to reflect over the past year.
This is mine and I am very sad because it
is my last day at Enrich EVER!!!!!! ( I wish they could do a monday for year 6,7,8 )
But any way this is my reflection over my time at Enrich.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


For our maths group A.K.A talent development, we have to make a scale model of the bandrotunda. We have been thinking, that if we donate it to the Invercargill library the little preschoolers will probably fall through the floor so... We have now decided to make it a puppet show palace, for the Enrich kids to play with the puppets and make shows. Right now as I am writing this post I am multi tasking, because we are figuring out the smaller scale model measurements ready to send to SIT to cut.

P.s when it is done I will post a picture of the finished product but. . . . . . . You might have to wait a few weeks till it is done.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Today I went to a work shop about bullying. ( Not to learn how to bully, but to learn how to deal with it.) If you are ever being bullied it is not okay and you have every right to tell someone about it because it is not fair on you as a human being.

Some other strategies about how to deal with it;
Speak the un-expected: speak nicely back to them,
Talk to an adult
Avoid them if you can.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


For today's must do I did the plantonic solids Shapes /activity.
It is where you have to try and sketch as many ways you can make a cube, this is a picture of what I have done.

There are some of the plantonic solids:

Then we had to try and make one of those shapes except the cube. I made a Tetrahedron.
So now after this post I should have nine signatures.