Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My reflection post

This term we got sent a reflection sheet to reflect over the past year.
This is mine and I am very sad because it
is my last day at Enrich EVER!!!!!! ( I wish they could do a monday for year 6,7,8 )
But any way this is my reflection over my time at Enrich.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


For our maths group A.K.A talent development, we have to make a scale model of the bandrotunda. We have been thinking, that if we donate it to the Invercargill library the little preschoolers will probably fall through the floor so... We have now decided to make it a puppet show palace, for the Enrich kids to play with the puppets and make shows. Right now as I am writing this post I am multi tasking, because we are figuring out the smaller scale model measurements ready to send to SIT to cut.

P.s when it is done I will post a picture of the finished product but. . . . . . . You might have to wait a few weeks till it is done.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Today I went to a work shop about bullying. ( Not to learn how to bully, but to learn how to deal with it.) If you are ever being bullied it is not okay and you have every right to tell someone about it because it is not fair on you as a human being.

Some other strategies about how to deal with it;
Speak the un-expected: speak nicely back to them,
Talk to an adult
Avoid them if you can.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


For today's must do I did the plantonic solids Shapes /activity.
It is where you have to try and sketch as many ways you can make a cube, this is a picture of what I have done.

There are some of the plantonic solids:

Then we had to try and make one of those shapes except the cube. I made a Tetrahedron.
So now after this post I should have nine signatures.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

New talent development for this term

This term since we can't carry on with our documentary because it is finished and has been sent in to the MADE awards.
So today we got to pick what we would like to do for the rest of the year,we got to pick out of science or maths. I chose maths because it is something I am good at and passionate about.

Today we went to the park to measure the band rotunda because we are making a smaller scale model of it. When it is done we will be presenting it to the library for the kids there to play in.

Today was interesting because we got to measure it all around and do all of that sort of stuff so we could change it like one meter = 1cm or so on, so that we could send it to SIT to cut out for us.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Finally finished

Today Emilia and I finally finished our documentary for the MADE awards.
I am really pleased in myself because I did complete it and now we don't have to come on another day to finish it.

Our documentary is called The Most Memorable Horses In The History Of Southland. If you would like to come and see the documentary come to the Waverly Park School Hall from 6.30 onwards, On the 5th of October
So see you there.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Kiaora Karen,

Well we are on the home stretch of our documentaries! You and Emilia worked super hard today, and you always had a clear idea of what your plan was. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product, I hope it is everything you hoped it would be! Have you thought of adding an introduction of you and Emilia to the beginning? To explain the purpose of your documentary?



Today was the second last session to get our documentary completed.
Emilia and I are furiously trying to get our editing done in time for the MADE awards but I know we will get it done in time, if we stay on task not that we don't anyway! We are now trying to find out about Henry Skinner for our documentary.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Working Progress

Today at Enrich I am really busy trying to get my talent development done for the MADE awards so it is up to movie standard.

Plus I only have today and another two days to get all the editing, voice overs and make it engaging for the audience also not too serious but so they get lots of good information out of the movie.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Talent Development Week 6

Today at Enrich for my talent development Emilia and I were up
loading all our footage onto I-Movie ready for next week to edit.

Today we had to make another story board because we lost our other one. Here is a picture of it now.

It explains how our movie will look for the Made Awards.
First of all their will be the title then we will have footage of Cardigan Bay racing. Next we have an interview with Roger Price telling us about some of the history of harness racing then we have pictures flick by about horses racing like Smiling Shard, Cardigan Bay and so on. Then we have Wayne Adams who is a trainer who told us about the method he uses to train his horses with and how he breaks them into harness racing. Last of all we have old videos off YouTube about Cardigan Bay then the credits.
So we now have a lot of editing to do to get it under 5 minutes.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Today for one of the must do's I did cartooning and I learnt something about myself toady. I learnt that I really love to draw and here is a picture of what I drew.

As you can see it is a whale with people living inside and a guy using his telescope. Then suddenly a match has fallen from the sky and the whale is on fire now. We got a choice to draw something from a book or draw what we had in our mind and I drew what I had in my mind because I wanted to do something a little more out of my comfort zone. The hardest part of drawing mine was the people.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Today for one of the Must Dos, I did drama with Olivia and we created an egg beater ( if you fast forward it while watching it is so much more life like.) The point of this activity was to learn not to be scared of doing things in front of other people. This exercise was really fun at the same time If you would like to view it just click play.


For my documentary I am well on my way and it is coming along fantastically well.
Today Amelia and I interviewed her Grandad, Roger Price who is a very good trainer of horses and really knows a lot about them. Now we are going to get in contact with Wayne Adams and interview him too. We will be nearly but not quite be done all the filming.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What am I?

Today for one of the cool must do activities it was about making a What Am I ?and it was very funI would like to tell you what it was but that would spoil it so if you would like to view it click here it is.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Talent developement

For talent development I am making a documentary with Emilia for the MADE awards, for our documentary we are going to do it about the history of harness racing. As we get into this topic we are going to dig deeper into this and hopefully get a lot of new learning out of this. We are trying to interview Russell Freeman and ask him questions about the history about racing and great wins horses have had. We will be learning about how to get in touch with people and how to film , edit and learn to interview people and ask them great questions that will help us get further. Our next step is to learn how to video people with a video camera.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Teacher comment

Karen your passion project was not only full of new learning for you but assisted a large number of other students to succeed with their projects and so it really did make a difference in the lives of others. I was very impressed with how organized and self motivated you and Kate were, and how well you worked together. you have shown the same level of dedication to all your learning at Enrich and have made the most of all the opportunities you have been offered including representing Enrich at the Otago Southland chess competitions.

Welcome Back

This third term is here now and it is so amazing all the things we are going to be doing. Today I did a really cool keynote that I got sent that I had to have done and it was called "Where in the World. There were clues and we had to find out where to go and research places. It was really fun. We also now have new Must do Can do sheets. They are made of paper and have to be signed. This term for talent development I have chosen to do the documentary making for the MADE awards coming up. I will learn all about what it takes to make a good documentary and how to edit my film, cut slides, use garageband and all that kind of stuff. It is going to be lots of new learning for me. So I am really looking forward to getting into this term.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Two stars and a wish

This is my reflection on term two. For my two stars one is for learning lots about the radio, like when you talk on the radio you hear yourself differently and I also learnt great talking skills and now I am not afraid of talking live on the radio. My next star is that I have accomplished my passion project and also helped others accomplish their passion projects too.

My wish is that I wish I could talk on the radio every day because I found it really great because I got to make my own script and find the information I needed to put in it. But when I left, I left a chocolate cake on Darren's desk with a thank you letter because he spent a lot of his time helping us.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Making our own script

Today Kate and I went to Darren's radio station, Kim came to pick us up today because Darren was busy. We recorded what we had written this time because Darren wouldn't be there to write it for us. We talked about what some of the Enrich students are doing for their passion projects and how they need donations to fulfill these passion projects and how they are going. Also how they are going to accomplish these.

Next week Kate and I get to talk on the radio live as well as making a script to record (for the news.) So now we have to think up something to say on the radio and have it all ready for next week when we go down their I have a few ideas on what I am going to do but at the moment they are just ideas that will probably expand.


At Enrich we have acsess to cool tools like the dinoscope. You may be wondering and getting your fingers in a knot over puzzling about what am I talking about. Well a dinoscope is really cool because it can zoom up on images and make them look disgusting here is a pictures of a dinoscope and here is another picture of skin.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Today Katie did a Chemistry workshop about acids and bases.

The experiment was really fun. Here is how you do it...


1 Chop up half a red cabbage and leave it in a bowl covered with water for a bout 45 minutes. Drain off the water (it would have turned purple). Red cabbage water can be used as an indicator to test if something is an acid or a base. If it is an acid, the cabbage water will turn pink. If it is a base, the cabbage water will turn blue.
2. Using plastics cups, pour half a cup of cabbage water into each one - depending on how many substances you would like to test.
3. You can try a range of household items - vinegar, lemon juice, baking soda.
4. To get a TRUE test (because some items will not change the cabbage water), you can purchase litmus paper from a chemist. It costs about $7 for quite a few strips (and you only need a little piece to test each item). Litmus paper is used to test if a substance is an acid or a base and it changes colour according the the pH scale. Reds means ACID, Light Greens means NEUTRAL and Dark Green to Blue means BASE.

I tested backing soda. It turned... (see the photo below).

I got a piece of litmus paper then tested it. The litmus paper changed to dark green. When we matched it on the pH scale, it was an 8 so definitely a base.

If you would try this at home please leave a comment on my blog to tell me what color yours came out as.

Here are some pictures of mine.

Chess tournament

On Saturday I went to the Dunedin chess tournament.
I won 4 out of six games. I beat a girl in 4 moves an I also beat a year 8.
I had a really good time and if I could I would defiantly do it again.
There was only one thing I did not like about it and that was on the way up my friend and I shared a packet of lollies with a few other people and the bus was fairly bumpy and I told Katie one of our Enrich teachers that I felt sick and I spewed up, but after that I was fine and I had a really good day. To top that off for tea we went to the black swan then went home.
(one of our teams got first out of the primary schools.)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Giftedness week

This week at Enrich it is giftedness week and we are sharing our ideas of what we think giftedness is and here is what I think it is all about:

. talented in lots of different topics
. going to Enrich is a fantastic place because we get to work with like minds
we also get to use all the fantastic tools at Enrich like computers, dinoscopes, mental edge puzzles and much more.

So I think being gifted is being good at mostly all topics but stronger in some and also being different and special in a way.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Today at the radio station

Today I went to the radio station with Kate to do some recording with Darren Ludlow.
When we were there Darren gave us a tour of his radio station. Darren has two recording rooms, one is live recording and the other is not live recording so if you make a mistake it doesn't matter you can just record it again. When we were there we recorded an ad for Darren to play on the radio station and when we listened to what we recorded it sounded good to us here are some pictures of us with Darren and his work mates.

Passion Project

For my amazing passion project this term, Kate and I are learning about the radio station. We will have been in touch with Darren Ludlow who kindly allowed us to come to the radio station for a tour and to tell us more about how it runs.

You may be thinking how can this help Christchurch or Japan? Well here is how it works. The students at Enrich will be fundraising and asking businesses for sponsorship as well as planning a range of events. With this money some students at Enrich plan to make up gift-boxes and other helpful things for the people of Christchurch or Japan. We thought that the businesses would like to be acknowledged. We then thought that if we learn about the radio station and how it works we could mention their buisness and what they have contributed on the radio. I know I will get a lot of learning out of this.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Passion Project

For my Passion project I am going to raise money to help Christchurch because of all of the earthquakes. I will not donate the money to them, I will use it to help one kid in need and I am going to get them down here in Invercargill and they will stay with my family for a week. We were going to do what we wanted to do for our passion projects which my idea was to learn about the share-market but Alana and Darryn changed their minds. We needed to do something that would benefit other people. I am really excited about what I am going to do. But these are only my ideas for now because I may change my mind.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Art Math Tessellations

This is my art math tessellation. A tessellation is a picture with no gaps or overlaps. This picture that I drew is fish eating each other. I found this work shop well worth going to and I would definitely do it again. If you would like to have a go at this just get gridded paper and then draw your pattern lines around or inside the grids. See what shape it looks like and then make it look like that object.
If you would like to find out more about tessellations here is a link to a tessellation website.

How to Safe Search Things on the Internet

These are some ways to be safe on the Internet. Go into google and click advanced search, type in what you are looking for and also type in the things that you don't want. It will come up with some safe options. If you are in 'you tube' a safe way to stop all the annoying ads around the video is to use 'quiet tube'. You may be puzzling over how to use it, just type in 'quiet tube' into google and then drag it up to your toolbar. Another way for kids is after you type in some thing in google put 'k-12' in and it will find more child appropriate options and more safe options for you on the Internet.


There is a work shop called p4c, you may be wondering what p4c means? It means philosophy for children. Darryn asked us a question, would you rather have power or pleasure? Power is all the money in the world and telling others what to do and probably not having and friends, or would you like to have pleasure, the only thing that matters in the world is that you are happy no matter if you made others miserable. I can't decide what to pick, so if you have a idea please leave a comment and tell me you opinion.

Multiple Intelligences survey

This is my Multiple intelligences survey that I took this term. This may not always be right because every time I take it, it changes because it depends on how you are feeling or how your thoughts and feelings have changed over and if you would like to know what all the smarts are and the meanings of them (Linguistic means (word smart) Logical (number smart and science) Interpersonal(people smart) Intrapersonal(myself smart) Musical(music smart) Visual/Spacial( picture smart) Naturalistic(nature smart) Kinaesthetic(body smart.) If you would like to have a go here is the link so you can try it.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Current affairs

Here at Enrich each week we get current affair tasks, you may be wondering what that is so I will tell you a current affairs task is when we get problems from all over the world like Christchurch or Japan and get to fill out questions on a document. Darryn sends us these and we get to be put in the position of what others are going through and we get to say what we would do if we were in their position and see what is going on in the world. I have found them most interesting and would like to share them with you so here are the links to them so you can come in the discussion.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Multiple Intelligences

I learnt at the Multiple Intelligences workshop that we have cells and neurons in our brains which need to make connections. There are no connections in our brains for reading. You probably don't know what I am on about so I will tell you.
Scientists have done lots of research on people's brains and have found that we have no neurons connected in order for us to be able to read. We have to make those connections our selves. Connections for things like talking and walking were already made in our brain. For some people it is hard to make those connections for reading because they may be more visual smart than word smart. It might be harder for them to remember what words look like.
These are the smarts Linguistic, Logical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Musical, Visual/Spacial, Naturalistic, Kinaesthetic .

We also learnt that the Multiple Intelligences test is not always correct because it depends on how you are feeling or how your interests and strengths change over time.